Enter a list of taxa

Enter in the box below a list of microbes (taxa names: phylum to strain) or IDs (NCBI Taxonomy or GOLD) for phenotype mapping and and enrichment analysis.
You can also use the example data provided to explore this module.

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example data
Taxon Set libraries

Gain functional insights from >5,000 taxon sets under different themes:

  • 2179 taxon sets associated with human genetic variations (SNPs).
  • 454 taxon sets associated with host-intrinsic factors such as age and disease.
  • 474 taxon sets associated with environmental factors such as chemical exposures and smoking.
  • 293 taxon sets associated with host-extrinsic factors such as medication including antibiotics.
  • 221 taxon sets associated with host-extrinsic factors such as diet and lifestyle.
  • 307 taxon sets associated with metabolite levels.
  • 53 taxon sets associated with microbiome-intrinsic factors such as microbe motility and shape.